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X Set to Embrace Dogecoin: CTO of Doge Wallet Confirms

Anticipation High for Dogecoin on X Platform

Dogecoin, the digital currency often associated with light-heartedness, appears to be on the cusp of a significant breakthrough. Doge Wallet's Chief Technology Officer, Alex Lewis, has voiced strong expectations regarding the introduction of Dogecoin payments on X, a widely-used social media platform.

Platform's Evolution into Payment Services

Under the guidance of entrepreneur Elon Musk, X, previously known as Twitter, has been steering towards integrating financial services. A notable advancement occurred last August. The platform secured a Currency Transmitter License from Rhode Island, signalling a move towards incorporating cryptocurrency payments.

Integration of Dogecoin: A Closer Look

In a dialogue with Fabrice Calmels, Lewis shed light on the potential functionalities. He envisions a system where users might link their bank accounts for transactions. Interestingly, Dogecoin could also serve as a currency for user transactions and tips on X.

Musk's Vision for Dogecoin

Elon Musk's interest in Dogecoin is no secret. He has previously alluded to the integration of Dogecoin payments into the X app. His broader ambition involves transforming X into a financial hub, with 2024 earmarked as a pivotal year. However, the specifics regarding Dogecoin's role remain unspoken.

DOGE's Road to Social Media

There's talk of a Musk-led social media platform underpinned by Dogecoin, a discussion that included his brother. Despite this, tangible progress in this direction is yet to materialize.

Despite the positive strides and enthusiasm surrounding Dogecoin's integration into X, the precise nature and timing of this development remain enveloped in uncertainty. The crypto community awaits with bated breath, yet the pathway to implementation is not entirely clear.

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  • May 17, 2024 5:44 pm
    Anticipation Builds Over Potential Dogecoin Integration in X Payments
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  • Nov 28, 2023 4:36 pm
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    According to CoinDesk, the adoption of joke cryptocurrency dogecoin (DOGE) continues to grow, with the number of cryptocurrency addresses holding DOGE surpassing 5 million for the first time. Data from on-chain analytics firm IntoTheBlock reveals that the number of active addresses on the network has more than doubled to 168,000, reaching its highest level since March 2022. Additionally, the number of confirmed transactions on the Dogecoin blockchain has jumped to its highest point since June, with the tally increasing by 1,000% in the past 10 days. Despite these impressive figures, the concentration of ownership in DOGE remains a concern. According to BitInfoCharts, fewer than 5,000 addresses control over 80% of DOGE's supply, meaning a relatively small number of traders have control over the cryptocurrency's price. DOGE's market capitalization has risen 14% to nearly $11 billion this month. Greater adoption and usage of cryptocurrency often translate into higher market value. Dogecoin gained notoriety in early 2021 after Elon Musk tweeted memes based on the coin, inspiring the creation of other dog-themed tokens like Shiba Inu. Joke cryptocurrencies, in general, surged during that period as the coronavirus lockdown, stimulus cheques from governments, and unprecedented monetary easing by central banks spurred risk-taking across financial markets.
  • Nov 19, 2023 3:33 am
    SpaceX Starship Test Flight Setback Leads to 5% Drop in Dogecoin Price
    According to Coincu, SpaceX experienced a setback during the second test flight of its Starship booster, leading to a loss of communication. This incident raised concerns about the reliability and performance of Elon Musk's deep-space launch system. Following the SpaceX news, Dogecoin price dropped by 5% within an hour. SpaceX lost contact with the spacecraft during the second major test flight of its Starship booster. The company speculated that a malfunction occurred during the flight, leading to the loss of communication. The automated flight termination system on the second stage triggered late in the burn, as the Starship was heading out over the Gulf of Mexico. SpaceX engineer John Insprucker shared this information on a livestream, shedding light on the potential cause of the malfunction. Following the SpaceX news, Dogecoin saw a significant drop in value. Within a mere hour, Dogecoin's price fell by 5%. On November 16, 2023, the official Dogecoin account stated that Astrobotic, a space logistics company, plans to send a physical Dogecoin to the moon. This unique initiative involves placing a Dogecoin in the DHL Moonbox, which will be transported by ULA's Vulcan Centaur Rocket in December 2023. The mission, which was funded by the Dogecoin community back in 2015, serves as a testament to the collective effort and support behind the cryptocurrency.

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