
Pavel Durov: How One Man's Quest for Decentralization Unleashed a Criminal Empire

Pavel Durov, the mastermind behind Telegram, is a tech mogul with a reputation for genius and good looks. His pioneering work in messaging and social media has revolutionized online communication, making Telegram a beacon of privacy and security for millions. However, the app's secrecy features have also made it a tool for criminals and controversial content. Despite challenges, Durov remains a trailblazer in the tech industry, with Telegram at the center of the conversation.

Uncover the shocking truth behind Telegram's sinister underbelly and into the life of Pavel Durov's:

Early Life and Education

Pavel Durov was born in Leningrad, Soviet Union, on October 10, 1984, to a family of intellectuals. His father, a professor and programmer, introduced him to technology and coding at a young age. Durov excelled in mathematics and physics at Gymnasium No. 239 and later studied computer science at Saint Petersburg State University, graduating in 2006. Inspired by Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, he pursued his own ventures, creating VKontakte (VK) and later Telegram with his brother Nikolai. Durov keeps his family life private, but rumors suggest a relationship with Russian model Alena Shishkova.


In 2006, Pavel Durov co-founded VKontakte (VK), Russia's equivalent of Facebook, at just 22 years old. VK quickly gained popularity, but faced controversy over music and video piracy, data handling, and censorship. Durov defended VK, advocating for freedom of sharing, and the platform still has over 75 million monthly users.
In 2014, Durov was ousted as CEO after refusing to surrender user data to Russian authorities. He left Russia, citing a hostile environment for internet businesses, and went on to focus on Telegram, which became a symbol of privacy and security in messaging.

Apple removed VK apps from the App Store in September 2022, citing UK sanctions against the apps' developers. VK and Russian regulator Roskomnadzor protested, calling the move "discriminatory" and claiming it deprived millions of Russians of access to information and communication. However, Apple reinstated the apps in October 2022 after VK provided proof that it was not controlled by a sanctioned entity, resolving the issue.


After leaving Russia, Pavel Durov acquired citizenship in Saint Kitts and Nevis and secured $300 million in Swiss banks. He shifted his focus to Telegram, which he co-founded with his brother in 2013, and set up base in Dubai. As of 2024, Durov's net worth is $15.5 billion, making him Dubai's richest person. Telegram has over 900 million monthly users, with India leading the pack. The app's popularity has led to Durov's fame, but also tensions with governments and regulators over its commitment to user privacy and data protection.

Telegram's features have raised concerns:

  • Encryption and privacy: Its end-to-end encryption and secret chats make it hard for authorities to access user data, potentially enabling terrorist or criminal activity, as seen in the "Nth Room" case in South Korea, where Telegram was used for online sex trafficking and blackmail.

  • Free speech: Telegram's commitment to free speech and minimal content moderation has led to the spread of controversial or extremist content, such as anti-vaccine conspiracy theories and death threats in Germany, and fake Covid-19 'passports' sold by scammers.

  • Anonymity: Allowing anonymous accounts and pseudonyms has raised concerns about accountability and potential illegal activities, as seen in Singapore, where authorities have infiltrated Telegram group chats to catch drug dealers and users.

In 2018, Russia banned Telegram after Pavel Durov refused to surrender user data to the Kremlin, sparking protests and hailing Durov as a privacy and freedom champion. The ban was later lifted in 2020. In 2022, Telegram became a vital platform during the Ukraine war, with Durov pledging to protect Ukrainian users' data, citing his own Ukrainian heritage. This move highlighted Telegram's unwavering commitment to user privacy and security, even in the face of conflict and political pressure.

Durov stated: "When I defied [the Kremlin's] demands, the stakes were high for me personally. I stand for our users no matter what. Their right to privacy is sacred."

Birth of TON

Pavel Durov, a long-time advocate for decentralized technologies, launched the Telegram Open Network (TON) in 2020, a blockchain platform fueled by the Gram cryptocurrency. Despite facing regulatory obstacles and legal challenges, TON has made a remarkable recovery, with Durov announcing its integration into Telegram. Initially conceived in 2019, TON raised a record $1.7 billion from investors, aiming to create a decentralized network for rapid, secure, and scalable transactions. However, the SEC temporarily halted the sale of Gram tokens, citing a need for greater transparency.

In May 2020, Pavel Durov shut down TON, but the developer community kept the project alive by launching Free TON, a decentralized version of the platform. In 2024, Durov revived TON by launching the TON Wallet crypto wallet on Telegram, integrating the TON blockchain into Telegram's ad monetization strategy. Channel owners now receive 50% of ad revenue, and Toncoin is listed on Brighty App, a European neobank, for everyday transactions. Additionally, Durov introduced the Stars currency, linked to TON, enabling crypto purchases of digital goods and services, with developers earning 70% revenue. As of June 11, 2024, Toncoin trades at $6.89, with recent price spikes.

Russia's Mark Zuckerberg

Pavel Durov's impact goes beyond his technological accomplishments. He has become a symbol of resistance against censorship and surveillance, inspiring others to fight for their digital rights. However, Telegram's history of enabling illegal activities has also made it a formidable weapon. Despite this, Durov remains steadfast in his beliefs.

In a lighter moment, Durov bid farewell to his trusty Samsung Galaxy A52, which he used to connect with his app's users. However, Dubai's extreme heat proved too much for the durable device, causing the back cover to detach. Durov humorously shared the incident online, showing that even tech CEOs aren't immune to the challenges of harsh environments.

Telegram has become a breeding ground for criminal activity. As Durov pushes forward for the sake of privacy and decentralization, what will the world become of?

更多新闻 بافيل دوروف التعليم

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