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OP_CAT: The missing piece of BTC L2?

Author: William M. Peaster, Bankless; Translator: Deng Tong, Golden Finance

Bitcoin Layer 2 is a hotly debated topic, but much of its promise has yet to be realized.

What are Bitcoin builders waiting for? One important proposal could help the Bitcoin L2 landscape mature: the reintroduction of OP_CAT. Disabled early in Bitcoin's history, this opcode could unlock new features and pave the way for more sophisticated, trustless Bitcoin L2 solutions.

Let's dive into why this opcode could be so transformative for BTC.

What is OP_CAT?

Okay, so why is this seemingly random opcode so controversial? OP_CAT, or "Operation Concatenate," is an opcode in the Bitcoin Script language that allows the concatenation of two data elements. OP_CAT was originally proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto but was disabled in 2010 due to security issues with its original implementation, specifically potential denial of service (DoS) attacks due to unrestricted memory usage. The Taproot upgrade introduced in 2021 alleviated these initial concerns. Taproot enforces a maximum stack element size of 520 bytes, addressing the memory usage issues that led to the deactivation of OP_CAT. With this security improvement and the resurgence of interest in Bitcoin development sparked by Ordinals and Runes, a movement is emerging to reintroduce OP_CAT to enhance Bitcoin Script with the goal of enabling more complex transaction functionality.

What is the difference between a contract and a smart contract?

One of the reasons OP_CAT is so compelling is that it can implement contracts, or spending conditions, on Bitcoin. Both contracts and smart contracts are mechanisms for controlling the flow of funds in a blockchain network, but they operate differently.


Purpose:Limits how funds can be spent in future transactions.

Function:Implement specific spending restrictions, such as limiting addresses or setting conditions on fund transfers.

Complexity:Often involves simpler, deterministic logic without loops or complex calculations.

Implementation:Can be implemented using Bitcoin Script and enhancements such as OP_CAT.

Smart Contracts

Purpose:Automate various processes and transactions.

Functionality:Handle complex tasks such as decentralized exchanges, token issuance, and multi-party agreements.

Complexity:Support complex conditional logic, including loops and complex calculations.

Implementation:Usually implemented on platforms such as Ethereum using high-level programming languages.

Why is OP_CAT so important to Bitcoin L2?

OP_CAT is critical to advancing Bitcoin L2 solutions because it enhances the scripting capabilities required for more complex and trustless Bitcoin infrastructure.First, OP_CAT allows for contracts, which enables the construction of more complex scripts.This is critical to creating advanced transaction conditions and functionality required for L2 solutions.

In addition, using OP_CAT, users can unilaterally withdraw funds from shared UTXOs, ensuring that they can recover their assets without the consent of other parties. This is also critical for trustless L2 protocols.


For example, the CatVM proposed by Taproot Wizards will use OP_CAT to build a mechanism for locking and withdrawing funds in an L2 environment. It leverages OP_CAT's ability to connect data and verify Merkle tree branches to facilitate a secure withdrawal process. OP_CAT can also create fraud proofs, just like optimistic rollups, to prevent double spending and ensure the integrity of off-chain transactions, which is another very promising path for Bitcoin L2.

Will OP_CAT be activated?

The Bitcoin community is currently discussing the reactivation of OP_CAT. While its potential benefits are strongly supported, Bitcoin's conservative attitude towards protocol changes means that thorough testing and consensus building are necessary steps before activation. However, if the proposal to reactivate OP_CAT is approved, it could be implemented within six months to a year, depending on community consensus and the results of the testing phase.

In addition, if OP_CAT is activated, projects such as StarkWare will be ready to build on top of it. StarkWare plans to use OP_CAT to bring zero-knowledge (ZK) extensions to Bitcoin to enable advanced financial tools and applications on the network. StarkWare's involvement highlights that the broader ecosystem is ready to take advantage of the enhancements that OP_CAT will introduce.

Thus, the future of Bitcoin L2 looks bright and full of potential as the community continues to explore and test possibilities around this proposal. At this point, reactivating OP_CAT seems to be a matter of when rather than if!

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  • Jun 06, 2024 12:45 pm
    最近、ビットコイン(BTC)の「Operation Concatenate(OP_CAT)」を再有効化することへの支持が急増している。 source:
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  • May 01, 2024 11:37 am
    '비트코인 스마트컨트랙트 도입' OP_CAT 코드, 시그넷 테스트넷서 활성화
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    Udi Wertheimer, founder of Taproot Wizards, announced on the X platform that OP_CAT (i.e. BIP-420) has been launched on the Bitcoin Signet test network. It is reported that Signet is a Bitcoin test network designed for developers to test software. It has no miners, does not require proof of work, and creates a block every 10 minutes on average. Earlier news, Bitcoin Improvement Proposal BIP-420 has officially introduced the restoration of the OP_CAT opcode, which aims to enable Bitcoin covenants and support the development of smart contracts, security bridges, and on-chain transactions. The BIP-420 proposal was written by Ethan Heilman and Armin Sabouri, and aims to reintroduce OP_CAT into Bitcoin through a backward-compatible soft fork by "redefining the opcode OP_SUCCESS126."
  • Apr 28, 2024 11:34 am
    OP_CAT Expected To Launch On Bitcoin Testnet Signet Next Week
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  • Apr 28, 2024 11:07 am
    OP_CAT will be launched on the Bitcoin Signet testnet next Tuesday
    OP_CAT (i.e. BIP-420) is scheduled to be launched on the Bitcoin Signet testnet at block height 193,536 (expected to be next Tuesday). Signet is a Bitcoin testnet designed for developers to test software. It has no miners, does not require proof of work, and creates a block every 10 minutes on average. Previous news, Bitcoin Improvement Proposal BIP-420 has officially introduced the restoration of the OP_CAT opcode, which aims to enable Bitcoin covenants and support the development of smart contracts, security bridges, and on-chain transactions. The BIP-420 proposal was written by Ethan Heilman and Armin Sabouri, and aims to reintroduce OP_CAT into Bitcoin through a backward-compatible soft fork by "redefining the opcode OP_SUCCESS126."
  • Apr 25, 2024 6:57 am
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  • Apr 23, 2024 11:13 pm
    Bitcoin Improvement Proposal BIP-420 officially incorporates OP_CAT opcode
    Bitcoin Improvement Proposal BIP-420 has officially introduced the restoration of the OP_CAT opcode, which aims to enable Bitcoin covenants and support the development of smart contracts, secure bridges, and on-chain transactions. The BIP-420 proposal was written by Ethan Heilman and Armin Sabouri and aims to reintroduce OP_CAT into Bitcoin through a backward-compatible soft fork by "redefining the opcode OP_SUCCESS126." (TheBlock)

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