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IMF Shifts Stance: Bitcoin is an Important International Financial Tool for "Wealth Preservation"!

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently released a report titled "Preliminary Exploration of Bitcoin Cross-Border Flows," which disclosed that Bitcoin has become an important international financial instrument for "wealth preservation," especially in regions facing economic hardship or strict capital controls.

The IMF noted that many users in these regions are turning to Bitcoin to transfer capital across borders more freely.

The report states that off-chain cross-border flows seem to be related to incentives to circumvent capital flow restrictions.

This indicates that residents of countries experiencing severe inflation and strict financial regulation, such as Argentina and Venezuela, are recognizing the value of Bitcoin as an essential financial tool.

Why choose Bitcoin? The IMF report points out that Bitcoin's decentralized nature allows it to bypass traditional banking systems, making it a popular choice among residents of countries with strict financial regulations.

The report delves into on-chain and off-chain transaction data to explore trends behind the use of Bitcoin across borders. It suggests that Bitcoin transactions exhibit unique characteristics compared to traditional capital flows.

On-chain Bitcoin transactions, recorded on the blockchain, offer higher security and are often larger in scale than off-chain transactions. This means that, compared to traditional financial transactions that are prone to accidents, the strong security features of blockchain technology can usually protect more significant financial interests.

Moreover, unlike typical foreign investments sensitive to strong economic indicators, Bitcoin flows correlate more significantly with cryptocurrency-specific sentiments.

This highlights a range of unique factors influencing the use of Bitcoin in cross-border transactions.

Despite recognizing the benefits of Bitcoin in cross-border transactions, the IMF report also warns of the potential risks associated with its widespread use. The anonymity and lack of oversight offered by cryptocurrencies may complicate efforts to monitor and control financial transactions to prevent illegal activities such as money laundering.

The IMF emphasizes in its report the need for international cooperation and regulatory frameworks that cover the unique aspects of digital assets. This would help mitigate risks while allowing countries with restricted financial environments to benefit from digital currencies.

The recent IMF report reveals the emerging role of Bitcoin as an essential financial tool for preserving wealth and facilitating cross-border fund flows. While Bitcoin offers a unique and flexible alternative, the need for international regulatory frameworks and cooperation remains crucial to ensure safe and responsible use of cryptocurrencies.

Notably, in December 2023, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva stated at an industry summit in Seoul that widespread adoption of crypto assets could disrupt macro-financial stability. She also mentioned that the broad adoption of crypto assets could affect the effectiveness of monetary policy transmission, capital flow management measures, and fiscal sustainability due to tax volatility.

Even on April 12, the IMF had requested El Salvador to amend its Bitcoin Law, which was hindering its efforts to secure a $1.4 billion credit line.

As noted in the report, with the approval of Bitcoin spot ETFs by prominent U.S. asset managers like BlackRock and Fidelity, and the growing acceptance and adoption by mainstream financial institutions worldwide, Bitcoin has become an asset that the IMF cannot ignore and must study.

The IMF report concludes that measuring Bitcoin cross-border flows is challenging due to its decentralized and anonymous nature of cryptocurrency transactions, and currently, it can only be done through a series of non-simple assumptions. Despite providing a comprehensive approach to explore on-chain and off-chain flows, the data set does not capture the full extent of Bitcoin cross-border transactions.

Therefore, improving the measurement of flows based on transaction-level data and identifying the residency of on-chain and off-chain cross-border flows is key to understanding the dynamics of Bitcoin across borders, assessing future policy needs, and designing appropriate measures.

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