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Farworld Labs Poised to Launch Farcade Platform with $1.75M Fresh Funds, Gears Up for Anticipated Q3 Releases

Farworld Labs, a pioneering gaming firm built on Farcaster, has raised $1.75 million to develop its decentralised Farcade platform, designed to empower developers to create Web3 games.

Backed by investors such as Lemniscap and Coinbase Ventures, the platform will launch in the third quarter, integrating on-chain social media to enhance gaming experiences.

Additionally, Farworld Labs will release Season One of its on-chain monster training game, Farworld.

Founded by Charlie and Bobby Blackstock, otherwise known as the Blackstock brothers, the company aims to streamline user experiences by making games instantly playable within social media feeds.

Charlie, CTO of Farworld Labs, said in a statement:

“The current Web3 gaming landscape is blighted by walled gardens, requiring users to connect their wallets, pay gas fees and link their social media accounts before they even have a chance to engage. At Farworld Labs, we are driven to make games instantly playable within social media feeds with just a single click, enabling seamless social interactions and simplified onchain experiences. Sincere thanks to our investors for helping us turn this vision into reality.”

What is Farcade & How Did it Come About?

The Farcade platform by Farworld Labs is poised to revolutionise the gaming landscape by providing developers with a robust framework for crafting crypto-native games that are intrinsically linked with on-chain social media protocols.

This innovative approach is a direct response to the constraints imposed by traditional Web2 platforms, which historically restricted third-party developers from fully integrating games and applications within their ecosystems.

Farworld Labs recognises the missed opportunities and creative limitations that have arisen from the decisions made by legacy platforms such as Meta (formerly Facebook) and other Web2 social media giants to curtail the development of third-party games and applications.

By contrast, the Farcade is set to rejuvenate and elevate the gaming experience within a decentralised context, reminiscent of the pioneering spirit seen in the early days of platforms like Steam and Zynga.

The Farcade is at the forefront of reimagining on-chain gaming, bridging the gap between gaming and social media.

It allows gamers to enjoy an immersive gaming experience directly within their existing social feeds on Farcaster, or within the dedicated Farcade app.

By leveraging Farcaster accounts and smart wallets, the Farcade ensures a seamless and secure gaming environment that is accessible to all.

Moreover, the Farcade is designed for optimal mobile performance, ensuring that players can enjoy their favourite games on any device, regardless of hardware capabilities.

This platform does not require downloads from the Google Play Store or Apple's App Store, making it conveniently accessible to a wide audience.

Farworld Labs is not just filling an "innovation chasm"; it is setting a new standard for how games and social media can coalesce in the digital age.

What is Farcaster & How is the Farcaster Ecosystem Used in Farworld?

In 2020, Farcaster emerged as a ground-breaking social media protocol, the brainchild of Dan Romero and Varun Srinivasan, both alumni of Coinbase.

Built on Optimism, an Ethereum scaling solution, Farcaster has fostered a vibrant, decentralised ecosystem where users can develop and deploy a variety of integrated applications that cater to diverse social media needs.

Warpcast, the most prominent application within the Farcaster network, offers a familiar micro blogging experience akin to Twitter, allowing users to publish posts ("casts"), follow peers, and engage through likes ("recasts") and shares.

According to on-chain analytics from Dune, Warpcast has captured a significant portion of the Farcaster user base, accounting for 44.8% of all sign-ups.

Notably, prominent figures in the cryptocurrency industry, such as Vitalik Buterin, Tim Beiko, and Jesse Pollak, have found a home on Farcaster, further solidifying its relevance within the blockchain community.

Farcaster's appeal lies in its core tenets of censorship resistance, data sovereignty, and seamless interoperability between applications—a stark contrast to the siloed nature of mainstream social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

One of Farcaster's distinguishing features is its robust anti-bot strategy, which includes a $5 sign-up fee and a limited number of "casts" tied to purchasable storage units.

This approach mitigates spam and ensures a higher quality of engagement.

The introduction of "Frames" on 26 January marked a significant milestone for Farcaster, introducing interactive mini-apps that enrich the social feed with gaming, newsletter subscriptions, and NFT minting, all within the app environment.

This innovation has not only enhanced user engagement but also fortified the Farcaster community through EdDSA authorisation, safeguarding against wallet drains and other malicious activities, according to Farcaster co-founder Dan Romero.

The launch of Frames catalysed a surge in Farcaster's popularity, with daily user activity skyrocketing by over 1,300% to an average of over 28,000 users within three days, as reported by Dune.

The ecosystem has since grown to nearly 545,000 users, underscoring the protocol's rapid ascent.

Farcaster's flagship application, Warpcast, serves as the platform for Farworld, a game that seamlessly integrates social gameplay and marketing within its interface, reminiscent of traditional social networking sites.

By empowering users to own their data and connections, Farcaster represents a significant leap forward from conventional social media platforms, offering a cohesive experience across different applications, much like the interoperability of email systems on the internet.

Despite its relatively small size compared to Web2 giants, Warpcast's exponential growth suggests a paradigm shift in social media dynamics, outpacing traditional platforms by a considerable margin.

Farworld Upcoming Season One

Farworld Labs has already achieved notable milestones with its proof of concept.

This includes launching an MVP of its flagship game, selling out eight consecutive drops, growing its community to tens of thousands of gamers, and generating over $500,000 in revenue within three months.

The platform operates on Warpcast, an application within the Farcaster ecosystem, which simplifies social gameplay and native marketing through on-chain interactions.

Farworld Labs' first post on X on 10 May gives a prelude to Season Zero.

Then on 19 June, Season Zero went live.

The forthcoming Season One of Farworld aims to further expand its user base with an engaging monster training game that will be accessible without needing traditional app store downloads.

Interested parties can join the waitlist on

Season One of Farworld

$1.75M Fresh Funds Secured

Farworld Labs successfully closed a $1.75 million Seed funding round on 20 June 2024.

Co-led by Lemniscap and Variant, with contributions from Base Ecosystem Fund and Coinbase Ventures, this funding marks a pivotal step toward realising Farworld Labs' vision of decentralised gaming experiences.

The funds will primarily support the preparation for its highly anticipated third-quarter releases, including the launch of the Farcade platform in collaboration with various studios and developers.

Managing partner at Lemniscap, Roderik van der Graaf, expressed enthusiasm in his support for Farworld Labs:

“At Lemniscap, we take great pride in identifying emerging verticals well before they gain mainstream traction. Farworld Labs is at the vanguard of innovation at the intersection of decentralised social media and Web3 gaming – verticals that Lemiscap has a rich and storied history with. We’re delighted to co-lead this pre-seed round and support the Farworld Labs mission to empower gamers and developers to build onchain.”

Genesis of Farworld Labs & its Co-Founders the Blackstock Brothers

Established in March 2024 by Charlie and Bobby Blackstock, otherwise known as the Blackstock brothers, Farworld Labs is still in its nascent stage.

Being such a new company, its X's followers stand at less than 1,000.

Farworld Labs' Socials & Web: X, LinkedIn, Website, OpenSea, and Warpcast

Bobby Blackstock

Bobby Blackstock is the co-founder of Farworld and has also worked at Kraken. He graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder.

His socials: X and LinkedIn

Charlie Blackstock

Charlie Blackstock is the co-founder and CTO of Farworld, and previously worked at Shapeshift. He is a graduate of the University of Colorado, Boulder.

His socials: X and LinkedIn

Fresh Face Farworld Labs: Promising Upstart or Rocky Risk?

Farworld Labs is poised to redefine the gaming landscape with its innovative approach to decentralised social media and web3 gaming.

Having recently secured new funding, the company is gearing up for the launch of Farcade and the release of upcoming games, with the goal of revolutionising the way gamers interact with blockchain-based gaming experiences.

The anticipated advancements are set to improve the accessibility and seamless integration of gaming within on-chain social media platforms, signalling a pivotal moment in the evolution of digital entertainment.

Both brothers emphasized their commitment to decentralised social media, highlighting the unique opportunities enabled by Farcaster, the backbone technology supporting Farcade:

“We have a lot of conviction in decentralised social media. We’re lifelong gamers and saw a really unique opportunity in the sector that Farcaster frames enables — similar to the early days of Zynga when FarmVille was launched on Facebook.”

However, given that Farworld Labs was established just this March and has yet to build a substantial track record or following, Coinlive advises a cautious approach as we await the developments that the third quarter of the year will bring.

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