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China's Currency Woes Impact Bitcoin: Analysts

Latest Beijing Measures Pose Downside Risk for Bitcoin

In response to deflationary concerns and foreign capital outflows, China's central bank takes action to stabilize the yuan, potentially impacting Bitcoin's price.

China's Economic Challenges

As economic threats loom, China grapples with currency depreciation, exacerbated by deflation fears and a sluggish property market, prompting foreign investors to withdraw capital.

Beijing's Intervention Raises Concerns

Recent measures by the People's Bank of China (PBOC) present a downside risk for Bitcoin through the foreign exchange channel, warns an analyst.

Yuan's Decline and Market Impact

The controlled Chinese yuan (CNY) sees a 1.39% decline against the US dollar, influencing offshore rates. Meanwhile, China's benchmark stock index, the Shanghai Composite, hits a low not seen since March 2020.

PBOC's Managed-Float System

PBOC maintains yuan stability through a managed-float system pegged to a basket of 24 currencies. The recent interventions involve selling US dollars onshore to support the yuan, impacting global financial conditions.

Potential USD Strength and Bitcoin's Response

The intervention could lead to USD strength globally, prompting investors to reduce exposure to riskier assets like Bitcoin and tech stocks.

Inverse Correlation: Bitcoin vs. USD

Bitcoin's known inverse correlation with the USD could make it susceptible to the strengthening dollar. Previous surges in Bitcoin prices correlated with USD weakness.

Expert Insight

David Brickell from FRNT Financial notes, "China is incentivized to keep a lid on BTC to maintain a relative veil of currency stability and discourage capital flight."

As China navigates economic challenges, Bitcoin faces headwinds due to yuan-related concerns, highlighting the intricate interplay between traditional currencies and emerging digital assets.

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