

  • 11月 17, 2023 5:48 凌晨
    据 Cointelegraph 报道,11 月 16 日,美国前总统候选人、纽约市市长、前进党创始人安德鲁-杨(Andrew Yang)在德克萨斯州沃斯堡举行的北美区块链峰会(NABS)上发表了演讲。杨对区块链技术在美国缺乏使用和公众认知,以及美国对人工智能(AI)的监管表示担忧。 杨自称是 "智能货币、智能货币的忠实信徒",他说,区块链和Web3技术在美国的现状令人失望。他认为,这可能导致企业向海外转移。为了避免这种情况,Yang 建议应展示区块链的积极用例,为美国人民解决问题。他还提到,区块链技术在消除贫困方面的潜力尚未得到充分挖掘。 除了区块链,杨致远还对美国的人工智能政策表示担忧,称其 "相当有限,甚至可能不连贯"。他是2600名科技领袖和研究人员中的一员,他们签署了一封公开信,呼吁暂停训练比GPT-4更强大的人工智能系统。杨还强调了人工智能的政治影响,因为它可能会影响竞选活动和整个公共生活。他批评了美国的监管方式,认为这是在等待灾难发生后再采取行动,他还批评了 "赢家通吃 "经济,认为这可能会加剧美国政治生活中的现有分歧。
  • 10月 24, 2023 1:40 下午
    Binance 区域市场负责人在未来区块链峰会上参与区块链对话
    Binance 区域市场主管 Richard Teng 最近参加了未来区块链峰会上的重要对话。Teng 与迪拜区块链中心(Dubai Blockchain Center)首席执行官 Marwan Al Zarouni 博士进行了炉边谈话。在这个引人入胜的环节中,Teng 和 Zarouni 博士将谈话重点放在了有关区块链领域的重要话题上。其中最主要的是关于制定监管框架的讨论,这对政策制定者和行业参与者都具有重大意义。此外,两位领导人还强调了迪拜在努力采用区块链技术方面取得的值得称赞的进展。他们讨论了迪拜政府领导的倡议如何极大地促进了区块链的推广和接受。未来区块链峰会上的对话,如滕和扎鲁尼博士的对话,强调了国际合作和了解区块链等新兴技术的重要性。随着区块链的应用在全球范围内持续增长,预计此类对话将在塑造该行业的未来方面发挥至关重要的作用。
  • 10月 05, 2023 11:08 晚上
    Odaily星球日报讯 Layer1网络Xion近日推出公共测试网。该网络将使用Circle发行的USDC稳定币作为其原生交易货币。 与其他链的侧重点有所不同,该网络将专注于支付、社交社区、网络订阅、忠诚度计划和游戏等用例。 (TheBlock)
  • 9月 11, 2023 3:18 下午
    Celestia Co-founder Nick White: Modular Blockchain to be the Future Direction of Blockchain Development
    During the "TimeStamp" summit held in Singapore on September 11th, Nick White, co-founder of Celestia, stated in his speech that he believes we are entering an era of modular-driven blockchain architecture. Currently, most L1 chains are built in a unified manner, where all functionalities occur within a single protocol and a set of nodes. However, the modular approach involves breaking down these functionalities into separate layers and protocols, allowing for recombination and specialization to achieve enhanced scalability and greater flexibility.Modular networks offer several advantages. As the number of nodes increases, blocks can become larger, freeing us from limitations imposed by a fixed block size and enabling the inclusion of more transactions. Additionally, modular networks provide greater flexibility by separating execution from the foundational L1 layer of consensus and data availability, avoiding reliance on a single virtual machine. Lastly, this approach empowers shared security and facilitates the rapid deployment of new blockchains.
  • 8月 03, 2023 12:30 下午
    World Blockchain Summit 2023 Singapore: Women in Blockchain: Pioneering the Future of Decentralised Technologies
    Coinlive is reporting at World Blockchain Summit 2023 held at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore! The fireside chat consisting of Fiona Murray, Head of APAC Sales at Ripple; and Sonny Mohanty, VP APAC at Nordek, dives into the topic “Women in Blockchain: Pioneering the Future of Decentralised Technologies”. The transformative landscape of blockchain technology owes much to the remarkable contributions of women who have boldly ventured into this domain. As pioneers in a traditionally male-dominated industry, they have reshaped the way we perceive and utilise decentralised technologies. Undoubtedly, women have carved a significant niche in the blockchain sector, spearheading numerous successful startups that have left an indelible mark on the industry. By exploring their unique perspectives, creativity, and problem-solving capabilities, these women-led ventures have introduced groundbreaking innovations. Through their unwavering determination and fresh insights, they have shattered gender barriers and inspired others to follow in their footsteps. While celebrating the accomplishments of women in blockchain, it is crucial to explore the potential trajectory of this remarkable journey. By staying inquisitive and open-minded, we can speculate on future trends and opportunities for women in the blockchain space. As the technology continues to evolve, embracing emerging concepts like decentralised finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and smart contracts, there is ample room for women to lead the way and make their mark in this dynamic ecosystem.
  • 7月 27, 2023 9:47 晚上
    Odaily星球日报讯 Amazon推出托管区块链服务(AMB),允许用户使用其区块链基础设施更快地构建应用程序,扩展了访问和查询功能的可用性。AMB提供调用节点,开发人员可以通过RPC来与数字资产以及多链上的DApp进行交互,而无需专门的基础设施。(CoinDesk)
  • 6月 30, 2023 5:22 下午
    OKLink Explorer 上线 Klaytn 区块链浏览器
    欧科云链旗下 Web3 数据分析平台 OKLink Explorer 正式推出 Klaytn 区块链浏览器,用户可查询 Klaytn 链上地址、交易、资产等多维度数据。同时,OKLink Klaytn 浏览器还提供地址详情页,支持概览数据、列表筛选、可视化展示等功能,满足 Klaytn 链上投资者投前尽调和投后管理的数据需求。此外,OKLink Klaytn 浏览器支持全局聚合搜索,直接输入 Klaytn 地址 / 交易 / 代币等信息,可快速定位 Klaytn 数据并展示。OKLink Klaytn 浏览器此次也接入了 OKLink 标签服务,用户可通过 OKLink Klaytn 浏览器实时查看 Klaytn 链上已有的官方标签,还可根据自身习惯自定义 Klaytn 地址私人标签,提高地址辨识度。
  • 4月 13, 2023 7:32 晚上
    区块链初创公司 Taylor & Hart 完成 350 万英镑融资
    据 Tech Funding News 报道,使用区块链技术的珠宝公司 Taylor & Hart 完成 350 万英镑(约 437 万美元)融资,资金将用于开发其技术及提升品牌知名度。 Taylor & Hart 使用区块链技术让客户追踪钻石旅程的每一步,其使用透明、数字优先、协作的设计流程,让客户能定制订婚戒指。
  • 3月 24, 2023 3:06 下午
    Multichain 集成 Layer 1 区块链 Findora
    跨链互操作性协议 Multichain 集成 Layer 1 区块链 Findora,并支持 USDC、USDT、ETH、DAI、BUSD、BNB、MATIC 等资产的跨链。此外,Findora 还将成为运行 Multichain fastMPC 网络的节点运营商。
  • 2月 21, 2023 11:08 晚上
    ConsenSys 收购区块链通知工具 Hal
    据 CoinDesk 报道,ConsenSys 已收购区块链通知工具 Hal 以加强 Web3 开发,具体交易条款尚未披露。Hal 是一个筛选区块链数据并允许用户为交易、治理投票和税务合规等事项创建通知的平台。此次收购为 ConsenSys Web3 连接层 Infura 带来了 10 名 Hal 员工和 40 多个用于「区块链金控和信号」的 API。
