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印度对币安处以 225 万美元罚款

印度金融情报机构 (FIU) 因币安未遵守反洗钱 (AML) 法规而对其处以 225 万美元(1.882 亿卢比)罚款。该罚款反映了币安涉嫌不遵守当地反洗钱要求,标志着这家领先的加密货币交易所面临重大监管挑战。

印度要求加密货币交易所和其他虚拟资产服务提供商作为报告实体向金融情报机构注册,并遵守严格的反洗钱准则。币安未能注册并遵守这些法规导致被罚款。此举是印度加强对加密货币市场控制的更广泛努力的一部分,此前 FIU 已针对多家离岸交易所的类似违规行为采取行动。


币安的监管问题并不局限于印度。5 月,加拿大反洗钱机构因类似反洗钱违规行为对币安处以 438 万美元罚款。此外,币安前首席执行官赵长鹏在美国面临法律后果,因洗钱违规被判处四个月监禁。

More news about ftx pwc

  • Jun 20, 2024 1:20 pm
    FTX liquidator PwC: FTX International customers are expected to receive 119 to 143 cents per dollar in claims
    According to the official email, FTX liquidator PwC released an update on the liquidation process, which mentioned that customers of FTX or FTX International (Dotcom customers) have the right to file claims in the Bahamas procedure or the US procedure. At this stage, if the bankruptcy protection plan is approved, Dotcom customers are expected to claim 119 to 143 cents per dollar. For customers who have submitted proof of debt claims in the Bahamas procedure, FTX will write in the future to confirm whether the customer wants to continue to manage, process, adjudicate and resolve claims in the Bahamas; for customers who have not yet submitted proof of debt claims in the Bahamas process, they can submit claims before the deadline, which is expected to be mid-August 2024. After the court approves the bankruptcy protection debtor's reorganization plan, FTX will confirm the date and next steps in writing, and the hearing date scheduled by the US Bankruptcy Court is June 25, 2024.
  • May 04, 2024 7:11 pm
    PwC차이나, 토큰화 자산 업체 홍콩 엑스알트와 파트너십
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  • Dec 25, 2023 10:56 pm
    Business Leaders Embrace Generative AI as an Opportunity, Not a Risk: PwC Report
    In the ever-evolving landscape of technology disruptors, generative AI shines as a beacon of opportunity for the majority of business leaders, according to the recently released PwC Global Risk Survey 2023. This comprehensive report showcases a significant shift in perceptions, with 60% of surveyed business leaders viewing generative AI as a promising avenue for growth, […] source:
  • Dec 20, 2023 10:21 am
    PwC 리서치 “올해 암호화폐 규제안 논의한 국가는 42곳”
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  • Dec 20, 2023 1:21 am
    42 Different Countries Discussed or Passed Crypto Regulations, Legislation in 2023: PwC
    More than 40 countries have taken aim at advancing crypto-focused regulations and legislation this year, signaling wider cryptocurrency adoption globally may be underway. That’s according to a new report from professional services firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers. source:
  • Nov 16, 2023 7:05 pm
    Dubai Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority Head Resigns, PwC Partner to Take Over
    According to Foresight News, Henson Orser, the head of the Dubai Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority, has resigned less than a year after taking office. He will be replaced by Matthew White, a PwC partner who previously served as an advisor at VARA. According to sources, Henson Orser resigned for personal reasons. In addition, the Dubai regulator is preparing to impose fines on more than ten cryptocurrency companies that failed to comply with its guidelines by the November 17 deadline. It is currently unclear which companies will be fined.
  • Apr 21, 2023 4:14 pm
    PwC: FTX Bahamas Entity Liquidation Process Extended to August 9th
    According to the information on PwC’s official website, the Supreme Court of the Bahamas approved the extension of the liquidation procedure of FTX Bahamas entity until August 9, 2023. The Joint Provisional Liquidators have also filed a Chapter 15 filing in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court of Delaware. In addition, PwC also opened the claims portal to FTX entities in stages, which are claims registration, creation of logins in the claims portal, identity verification, acceptance of balances, and asset transfers. Currently, the entire claims process is in the first stage.
  • Mar 22, 2023 8:10 pm
    Chainlink Labs and PwC Germany Enter into a Strategic Partnership to Accelerate Enterprise Blockchain Adoption
    Chainlink Labs has announced a strategic partnership with PwC Germany to accelerate enterprise blockchain adoption. Chainlink Labs will provide expertise in developing smart contracts and operating node infrastructure to companies partnering with PwC Germany. PwC will leverage its technical expertise and regulatory understanding to help clients develop compliant and secure smart contracts and operate the infrastructure, businesses will be assisted in developing custom blockchain solutions that leverage Chainlink middleware capabilities.
  • Nov 15, 2022 8:44 pm
    Bahamas Supreme Court Approves Two PwC Insolvency Experts as Provisional Liquidators for FTX Assets
    The Supreme Court of the Bahamas has approved two bankruptcy experts from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) as provisional liquidators of FTX assets. FTX is headquartered in the Bahamas, and the Bahamas Securities Commission has previously frozen the assets of FTX's subsidiary, FTX Digital Markets, and its related parties. The Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) also issued a statement saying: "In view of the global collapse of FTX and the temporary liquidation of FTX Digital Markets Ltd., a team of financial investigators from the Royal Bahamas Police Force's Financial Crime Investigation Bureau is working with the Bahamas The Securities Commission is working closely to investigate whether any crimes have occurred."
  • Sep 04, 2022 7:17 pm
    PwC Venezuela Twitter Account Hacked, Scam Tweets Giving XRP
    According to The Block, the Twitter account of PricewaterhouseCoopers Venezuela (@PwC_Venezuela) was hacked, and the intruder used the Twitter account to post a link to a website that represented Ripple as a gift of the cryptocurrency XRP, and has posted the same message 14 times. Link. Typically, these types of scams require victims to send a certain amount of cryptocurrency first. Currently, all tweets on the account are still active, suggesting that the account owner was either unaware of the scam or had lost access to the account. The PwC Venezuela account has 37,100 followers, far smaller than the 189,000 followers of the accounting firm's main account.

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