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Binance-Backed AI Security Zircuit Can Save You From Hackers – How It Works

Binance Labs, the venture capital arm of crypto giant Binance, has placed its bet on Zircuit, a revolutionary Ethereum Layer 2 network.

This move comes ahead of Zircuit's much-anticipated mainnet launch slated for this summer, marking a significant boost for the project.

But what exactly is Zircuit, and how does it stand out in the crowded Layer 2 landscape?

A Security-Focused Rollup with AI-Powered Safeguards

Zircuit is a ZK-rollup, a type of Layer 2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain.

Similar to other ZK-rollups like ZKsync and Scroll, Zircuit aims to address Ethereum's scalability challenges by processing transactions off-chain before periodically batching them and submitting them to the main Ethereum network for final settlement.

This significantly reduces transaction fees and speeds up transaction processing times.

However, Zircuit takes a unique approach to security.

While most ZK-rollups prioritise securing the application and smart contract layers, Zircuit stands out with its unique feature: sequencer-level security.

Imagine a bouncer at a club, carefully scrutinising everyone before letting them in.

That's essentially how Zircuit's sequencer functions.

Before transactions are bundled into blocks, Zircuit's sequencer, powered by Artificial Intelligence, meticulously examines each transaction to identify any potential hacks or malicious activity.

Transactions deemed suspicious are quarantined, preventing them from entering the system and jeopardising user funds.

This proactive approach to security is a game-changer.

By stopping threats before they can even materialise, Zircuit fosters a safer environment for everyone involved, from developers building on the network to users conducting transactions.

In a remarkable feat, Zircuit surpassed a staggering $2 billion in TVL pledged within just two months of its launch. This metric reflects the immense confidence users have placed in the project's potential.

Stopping Threats Before They Happen

Traditional blockchain security relies on monitoring applications and smart contracts for vulnerabilities. Zircuit takes a proactive approach by introducing sequencer-level security.

The network's sequencer, responsible for processing transactions before they are added to a block, utilises artificial intelligence to analyse each transaction and identify potential hacks or exploits.

This AI-powered screening happens before transactions even enter the system, effectively preventing malicious activity from impacting the network.

By stopping threats at the source, Zircuit creates a safer environment for developers and users alike.

A Feature-Rich Network Built for Efficiency

While security is paramount, Zircuit offers a compelling feature set designed to optimise user experience.

Here's a glimpse into what sets Zircuit apart:

○ Research Powerhouse

The Zircuit team is renowned for its cutting-edge research in areas like rollup security tooling, rollup compression, and scaling cryptography.

This research focus has earned them multiple grants from the Ethereum Foundation, solidifying their position at the forefront of blockchain innovation.

○ Native Bridge Security

Zircuit's secure native bridge infrastructure prioritises the safety of user assets.

This bridge facilitates seamless transfers between the Ethereum mainnet and the Zircuit Layer 2 network, ensuring the privacy and integrity of user funds throughout the process.

○ Unmatched Performance

By leveraging specialised proof techniques, Zircuit optimises transaction processing speed while minimising costs.

This translates to faster transaction confirmations and more efficient use of network resources, allowing users to capitalise on market opportunities and adjust their investment strategies with greater agility.

○ Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Compatibility

Developers can seamlessly deploy existing Ethereum applications on Zircuit without needing to learn a new programming language.

This compatibility fosters a vibrant ecosystem where developers can leverage their existing skills and users can interact with familiar DeFi applications in a more scalable and secure environment.

A Faster, Safer, and More Cost-Effective DeFi Experience

For users, Zircuit offers a multitude of benefits:

  • Reduced Transaction Fees: By processing transactions off-chain, Zircuit significantly lowers transaction fees compared to the Ethereum mainnet. This allows users to engage in DeFi activities more frequently and cost-effectively.
  • Enhanced Security: Zircuit's sequencer-level security and robust native bridge infrastructure provide unparalleled security for user assets, minimising the risk of hacks and exploits.
  • Faster Transactions: The off-chain processing capabilities of Zircuit enable near-instantaneous transaction confirmations, streamlining DeFi interactions and allowing users to react to market movements swiftly.
  • A Familiar DeFi Experience: EVM compatibility ensures a smooth transition for users accustomed to existing Ethereum applications. They can interact with their favourite DeFi protocols within the secure and scalable environment offered by Zircuit.

Crypto Security Gets a Boost By Binance Labs

Binance Labs has placed a strategic bet on Zircuit with the aim of propelling its expansion.

Zircuit boasts a two-year development journey with a robust testnet exceeding six months.

The platform has secured over $3.3 billion in staked assets and attracted more than 1,100 applications to its Build to Earn program, highlighting its potential and capturing investor interest.

Zircuit’s Total Value Locked. (Source: DefiLlama)

Unlike traditional blockchains, Zircuit's unique selling proposition lies in its AI-powered sequencer-level security.

Co-founded by a former Quantstamp executive, Martin Derka, Zircuit leverages artificial intelligence to scrutinise transactions before they are included in blocks, quarantining suspicious activity and safeguarding the network from potential hacks.

This innovation promises a more secure environment for developers and users alike, as Zircuit gears up for its mainnet launch alongside a Gas Mining program in July to incentivize user participation.

Rewarding User Participation: Zircuit Staking and Build to Earn Programs

Zircuit actively incentivizes user participation through its comprehensive staking program.

Users can stake various assets, including ETH, liquidity staking tokens (LSTs), liquidity re-staking tokens (LRTs), and USDe (Ethena USD), to earn Zircuit points.

Additionally, the program allows users to seamlessly migrate their staked assets to the Zircuit mainnet when it launches, maximising their potential rewards.

Further amplifying its commitment to community engagement, Zircuit launched the Build to Earn program in March.

This initiative aims to empower builders, founders, and community members to contribute to the Zircuit ecosystem.

By offering incentives for valuable contributions, the program has already attracted over 1,000 participants, fostering a vibrant and collaborative community around the project.

A Thriving Ecosystem Takes Shape

As Zircuit's TVL and community continue to surge towards its mainnet launch, an impressive roster of partners is joining the Build to Earn program.

These include industry leaders like Ethena,, KelpDAO, Renzo, Hashflow, API3, Galxe, Elixir, Blocto, and Eigenpie.

This growing network of partners signifies the immense faith in Zircuit's potential to revolutionise the Ethereum Layer 2 landscape.

With its exceptional technology, robust user incentives, and flourishing community, Zircuit is poised to become a major force in the blockchain space.

Its ability to attract significant TVL and build a strong community even before its official launch is a testament to its innovative approach and the immense potential it holds for the future of secure and scalable transactions.

Presently, its X account boosted 166.4K Followers. In the last 24 hours, Zircuit has also achieved the ranking of the 6th most popular project according to RootData.

A Clear Roadmap for Success

Zircuit's roadmap outlines a compelling path from cutting-edge research to a secure, scalable Ethereum Layer 2 solution.

Their journey began with a focus on innovation, with the team publishing research and securing grants.

This led to the development of a private testnet, integrating proven technologies for secure and efficient transactions.

Following a successful public testnet launch with major project partnerships, Zircuit is now poised for a mainnet launch in the second half of 2024.

This signifies a public rollout of their secure, high-speed Ethereum scaling solution - intriguing for developers and users seeking a powerful future within the Ethereum ecosystem.

About the Founders

Zircuit is co-founded by Martin Derka and Jan Gorzny in 2022.

Martin Derka


Martin is a prominent figure in the blockchain industry, renowned for his expertise in developing smart contracts and platforms on the Ethereum network. He has made substantial contributions to decentralised finance (DeFi), focusing on improving security protocols and addressing economic vulnerabilities.

As a co-founder of Zircuit, Martin has played a pivotal role in pushing the boundaries of scalability and privacy within blockchain technology. His leadership in designing and implementing advanced rollup solutions has established him as a leading influencer within the Ethereum ecosystem.

Jan Gorzny


Jan is a seasoned researcher specialising in algorithm design and formal methods, with a keen interest in rollups, plasma, and related technologies.

At Zircuit, he directs research on sequencer-level security, streamlining proof generation time, and innovating methods for validating zero-knowledge circuits. Jan also serves as the Head of L2 Scaling at Quantstamp. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo in 2022.

The Future of Secure and Scalable Transactions

With Binance Labs' backing and its innovative security approach, Zircuit is poised to make a significant impact on the Ethereum ecosystem.

As it prepares for its mainnet launch, Zircuit holds immense promise for developers seeking a secure and scalable platform and users yearning for a faster and more cost-effective way to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.

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