

  • 12月 24, 2023 6:27 午後
    Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizes Classroom Learning: A Global Perspective
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is making waves across various sectors of the global economy, and education is no exception. In recent years, AI has found a significant role in enhancing classroom learning experiences for both educators and students. This article explores how AI is transforming traditional teaching methods, the benefits it offers, and the concerns it […] source:
  • 12月 23, 2023 12:33 午前
    Artificial Intelligence Reshapes Content Marketing Landscape
    In the ever-evolving realm of content marketing, artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a transformative force, revolutionizing strategies and reshaping the way brands engage with their audiences. With its analytical prowess, AI holds the key to unlocking unprecedented efficiency and innovation, propelling content marketing into a future where predictive insights and personalized experiences... source:
  • 12月 17, 2023 8:30 午後
    Artificial Intelligence Boosts Phishing Attacks, Warns NITDA
    The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has issued a stern warning about the alarming rise in phishing attacks, attributing this surge to the increasing sophistication of cybercriminals who are harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their malicious endeavors. These cybercriminals have become more adept at leveraging AI technologies to craft personalized... source:
  • 12月 17, 2023 5:28 午後
    Artificial Intelligence Transforms Formative Assessment in Further Education
    In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised formative assessment practices in the education sector, reducing teacher workload and enhancing learner outcomes. The innovative FirstPass platform, developed in collaboration with NCFE and Bolton College, utilises natural language processing and real-time feedback to support students and teachers. Empowering learners with... source:
  • 12月 16, 2023 9:58 午後
    Artificial Intelligence Outsmarts Humans in Puzzles, Marks a Milestone Discovery
    In a groundbreaking development, researchers at DeepMind, the artificial intelligence (AI) powerhouse behind Google, claim that AI has surpassed human intelligence in solving complex puzzles. The achievement, rooted in language models akin to those driving chatbots like ChatGPT, signals a potential shift in the balance of intellectual prowess between humans and machines. Unveiling fun search... source:
  • 12月 15, 2023 1:32 午前
    Pope Calls for International Treaty to Regulate Artificial Intelligence
    Pope Francis has issued a compelling call for an international treaty to regulate the development and ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI). In his annual message for the World Day of Peace, the Pope emphasized the urgent need for AI to align with human values such as compassion, mercy, morality, and forgiveness. This appeal comes […] source:
  • 12月 14, 2023 5:30 午後
    Artificial Intelligence in Academia: A Boon with Challenges
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has firmly established itself as an indispensable tool in academia, providing invaluable assistance to teachers and students. While AI’s role in research and education is undeniable, it has challenges. The relevance of AI in academia In recent years, AI has become an inseparable part of academic life, akin to how a tractor […] source:
  • 12月 14, 2023 12:59 午前
    IRS Harnesses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Enhance Tax Enforcement Efforts
    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is undergoing a transformation in its approach to identifying and targeting tax evaders by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI). IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel recently outlined a vision where AI plays a pivotal role in detecting patterns of behavior indicative of tax evasion. This shift comes at a time […] source:
  • 12月 11, 2023 6:48 午前
    欧州議会議員(MEP)と欧州理事会は、人工知能法(Artificial Intelligence Act)に関する歴史的な合意に達した。 同法によると、基本的権利、民主主義、環境の持続可能性を確実に保護しつつ、欧州における安全で倫理的かつ責任あるAI利用の段階を設定することを目的としている。 欧州のAI規制は「微妙な... 出典:
  • 12月 09, 2023 6:07 午後
    欧州議会、EU加盟国およびその他は金曜日、チャットボットChatGPTのようなAIシステムの規制方法を含む人工知能法案について暫定合意に達した。 ティエリー・ブルトン欧州委員会域内市場担当委員は、「本日の人工知能法案に関する政治的合意により、EUはAIの使用に関する明確なルールを定めた最初の地域となる。人工知能法案は単なるルールブックにとどまらず、EUの新興企業や研究者が世界のAI競争をリードするためのイネーブラーにもなる」と述べた。詳細は今後、関係者によって協議され、最終的な法案の形式や内容が変更される可能性がある。 ロイター通信とフランス通信は、この合意は画期的なものだと報じた。ブルームバーグは、この合意はEUにおけるAI規制の重要な一歩になると報じた。 欧州委員会が2021年に提出する人工知能法案の交渉権限案では、「人間の安全保障に許容できないリスクをもたらすAIシステム」を厳しく禁止するとしており、これには、意図的に技術を操作したり、人間の弱点を突いたり、行動や社会的地位、個人的特徴などに基づいて評価したりするシステムなどが含まれる。 草案ではまた、AI企業に対し、アルゴリズムを人間が管理すること、技術文書を提供すること、「リスクの高い」アプリケーションに対するリスク管理システムを確立することを求めている。各EU加盟国は、これらの規則の遵守を確認するための監視機関を設置する。(CNN)

Artificial Intelligence