Why Telegram is the cradle of crypto adoption
Telegram solves three core problems that have held back cryptocurrency.

Telegram solves three core problems that have held back cryptocurrency.
Golden Picture, Notcoin, Learn about the viral game Notcoin (NOT) on Telegram Golden Finance, Will Notcoin become a meme coin choice that breaks the circle?
Everyone is looking for the “Robin Hood of the crypto world,” but TG bots are telling us that RobinBot might be right next to you.
Backed by Telegram, the public chain TON, which has close to 900 million monthly active users, stands out from the battle among hundreds of chains because of its inextricable connection with Telegram.
In addition to the price increase of TON tokens, many tokens in the TON ecosystem have also experienced considerable increases.
This series of articles will provide an in-depth analysis of the Telegram Bot track and is divided into two articles. The first article is a summary of the track overview, and the second article is a summary of the targets.
The Open Network Foundation (TON Foundation) has teamed up with Blockchain.com to provide seamless access to cryptocurrencies for Telegram's vast user base, which comprises over 700 million monthly active users.
Much like most scams, including the one that compromised Etheruem founder Vitalik Buterin's account, it aimed to create a sense of urgency among SHIB enthusiasts by claiming that the alleged airdrop had limited availability.
The mindfulness community is working to provide answers to that question.
Last month, McDonald's made fun of cryptocurrency investors, but has now embraced the Metaverse, filing a trademark for its virtual world brand.