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WEMIX will reorganize token economics and the maximum supply of WEMIX will be reduced by 60%
21/03 17:15
The WEMIX Foundation will destroy approximately 400 million WEMIX in its total reserves at one time. At the same time, the foundation will introduce halving to change the block minting structure of WEMIX 3.0. This reorganization will reduce the maximum supply of WEMIX by 60% from the current 980 million coins. During the halving, the WEMIX ecosystem’s network fees will be converted into block minting rewards (PMR). The total size of team rewards will be reduced from 90 million to 50 million. 40 million will be destroyed immediately. Development costs will be spent over a total of five years. In January this year, WEMIX reduced the number of KLEVA tokens minted per block by 10% per month.

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