Feb 24, 2023 9:59 am
Linux Foundation Europe Forms OpenWallet Foundation
The nonprofit Linux Foundation Europe has announced the formation of the OpenWallet Foundation (OWF), which will develop open-source software to support interoperability for wallet use cases, including payments, credentials for proving identity, storing employment, education, and financial information. Twenty non-profit, academic and government entities have joined the foundation, including Customer Commons, Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF), Digital Identification and Certification Council of Canada (DIACC), Digital Dollar Project, Digital Identity New Zealand (DINZ). The first premier members to sponsor OWF include Accenture, Gen, Futurewei and Visa. Typical members sponsoring the foundation include American Express, Deutsche Telekom/T-Systems, esatus AG, Fynbos, Hopae, IAMX, IDnow, IndyKite, Intesi Group, Ping Identity, SmartMedia Technologies (SMT), Spruce and Swisscom.